Thursday, May 11, 2006

Sign This.

i'm teaching sign language to 8th graders.
perhaps this was my first mistake.
no, i'm not fluent and i'm learning a step ahead of them.
we've learned a bunch of words, and their assignment today was to put together a sentence and say it in sign in front of the class.
Other than the general mayhem, all is going smoothly.
They even enjoy it.
Then, there's this kid.
A bit on the morose, may just go postal at some point, side.
He hadn't gone so i call him up.
He pays attention for about 20 seconds a class period, but he manages to pull this out of his trick bag.

You. Are. Fat.

Lovely. One of those moments as a teacher where you want to screw the possibility of news crews at your door later that night.
The kind of moment when your aspirations toward spiritual maturity just vaporize.But, instead... I said,

Yeah, I know. Great Sentence. (and silently muttered "asshat")

Anyone want to beat up an 8th grader??


Sid said...

Instead of silently muttering it, couldn't you have just signed it?

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha ha ha!

Sorry, no, Sid. Not if she wants to keep a job, a house, or whatever the kid's family wants to sue her for.

I'll bet that kid would love to know how to sign things such as that tho ...

Y'know, eighth graders are so cool.

Just wait till they get to High School ...

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