Monday, April 10, 2006


Courageous Woman
Courageous Pink
Spoke. Stupid Girls. Sad girls. Losing selves, gaining boobs, Gucci, size 0.

Anything that causes me to be less than i am, in order that someone else can be more than they are, eats away at the essence of who I am.


Who are you? What do you think? What do you like? What do you offer? What are you great at? What challenges you? If you weren't limited by tabloid expectations, who would you be?

We have become oppressors of our sisters. The bar is being silently lowered for us, by us.

The problem has been spoken.
The issue has been seen.
The question has been posed.

We, You, I, They. Responsible for what we know. Listen and Know.

Washing your car in a bikini? Not so sexy.

Beat the local boys at touch football? Debate your butt off without bending to popular opinion? Saying no? VERY SEXY.

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